Chez Renee Boutique’s Featured Brands

Sarah Pacini
A coveted brand from Italy, Sarah Pacini speaks to the modern woman looking for a timeless, classic touch. Clean and modern Sarah Pacini pieces feature precise cuts, contrasting textures, and asymmetrical designs that highlight individuality, substance, and creativity without pretentiousness. Shop our boutique to find the latest clothing pieces from Sarah Pacini.

Mixing avant-garde style with unconventional details, the German brand Rundholz breaks from tired designs and conformity. Each Rundholz piece experiments with and deconstructs typical fashion conventions to create something wholly new. Our selection of Rundholz clothing includes the latest shoes, dresses, tees, and more, along with their more eclectic offerings. Break from tradition with Rundholz’s innovative designs.


Sarah Pacini


Dress To Kill!

Manuelle Guibal

Homers Artisan Shoes